“Discover the Essence of Arabica & Robusta Coffee”

Our carefully curated collection features Indian coffee grown in two distinct regions:

Kodagu Arabica: From the lush hills of Kodagu district in Karnataka, our Arabica beans thrive under the shade of ancient trees. Expect a symphony of flavors—hints of berries, chocolate, and floral undertones. These beans redefine your coffee experience.

Wayanad Robusta: Robusta, cultivated in Wayanad district, Kerala, brings boldness to your cup. Earthy and robust, it’s perfect for those seeking a wake-up call. Whether you brew it strong or blend it with milk, our Robusta delivers.

Explore our collection today and embark on a sensory journey through India’s coffee heritage.




    Indulge in the exquisite flavors of our Arabica coffee beans from the lush hills of Kodagu (also known as Coorg). Handpicked against the backdrop of mist-covered mountains, our coffee embodies the essence of this pristine region. From earthy undertones to bright and lively notes, each sip tells a story of heritage and craftsmanship. Elevate your coffee experience with Leaf N Lips’ Kodagu Arabica – where tradition meets taste!"


    Welcome to Leaf N Lips, where the essence of Robusta Coffee unfolds. Our beans, cultivated for over 250 years in the pristine Wayanad, Kerala, India, boast a rich history.

    Why choose us?

    ·         Intense Aroma: Our Robustas are softish to neutral in a cup, yet full-bodied, with a hint of chocolate.

    ·         Espresso Bliss: Perfect for blending with Arabica, they enhance espresso cream without compromising flavor.

    ·         Eco-friendly: Embracing environmentally friendly farming practices, we prioritize quality and the environment.

    Indulge in the robust flavors of Wayanad!

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